Herbal supplement to assist the body to cope better with depression, anxiety, and stress.
Practitioner’s Info:
Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, Nervousness, Stress, Sorrow, Sadness, Sleeplessness. Strengthens Nervous System. Helps to cope better with stress. Improves mental awareness & neural transmission. Helps brain to utilize oxygen better. Natural anti depressant. Stabilizes blood sugar. Serotonin production. Use in conjunction with HGH & Pituitary capsule.
Alfalfa, Ashwaganda, Dandelion, Gingko Billoba, Gotu Kola, Other African Herbs, Passion Flower, Rhodiola rosea, Tribulus Terrestres, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Boswelia Ginseng, Green tea, L Lysine Lungwort, Maca Root, Magnesium, Omega 3. St . John's Wort, Valerian, Vit B3, B6, B12, C, Zinc
Size | 120 Capsules |